Race Story

From Framework to Finish Line

rachel_mcm Rachel Lu I run because I meet a better version of myself after mile six. Until recently, however, I would stop shortly thereafter. According to the model I had built in my mind, the health benefits of running greatly diminish after mile nine, so how could someone be brave (read: insane) enough to run a full marathon? How could they reject such sound science? Is it really worth using up one’s limited share of luck in life on a marathon lottery? Why not just go for a run in the park? (more…)

By Bergen Runners, ago
Race Story


终于完成我人生的第一个马拉松了!从一心只想减肥的菜鸟大妈到今天这一步,算一算起码花了三年多左右的时间。去年用了一年的时间顺利完成了NYRR的9+1取得今年的纽马报名资格,上半年跑了NYC及Brooklyn两半马都觉得状况不错,但从夏天开始连续两次小腿肌肉跟脚踝的拉伤,本想好好的随着练习计划跑个马拉松的梦因此破碎,足足消沉了快一个月的时间,期间兴起了好几次想打退堂鼓的念头,但今年因为参加飞狐跟新蜂跑群认识了附近好几位可爱热心的"战友",战友中好几位今年都刚好跟我一样努力着首马,大家一同相互打气着,甚至有几位没有跑马的朋友也都热心的陪着我们练长距离,练配速,练路线,简直都快比我们这些报名要跑的人都还认真了,周边也有好多朋友跟同事加油及鼓励,我岂能让大家失望? (more…)

By Renny Shih, ago