Group Runs


上周突然發現百駿的第一次群跑是在2017年的六月10日,也就是六月的第二個周末. 今年剛好是第五年了, 回頭想想一路走來, 真是太值得辦個特別的活動慶祝了. 跑群慶祝方式當然得用跑步, 每周都負責幫隊友們熱心計畫群跑的隊長小群想出了舉辦個跟平時群跑不同的5X5公里接力的主意. 每隊五人一人跑五K慶祝. 因為周六不少跑友有NYRR mini 10K比賽, 日期就訂在周日, 地點大家討論的結果還是來到百駿一直以來最常聚集的訓練基地 Saddle River County Park (aka小鹿公園), 至於組隊方式回到百駿最初的開創精神,以快慢混合的組隊來平均每隊的水準, 用娛樂競賽方式照顧到各速度的跑友們鼓勵大家的參與. 因為決定很臨時(平日真的大家都很忙), 等日期地點大致確定把報名表發出已經是星期三了, 這麼短的時間公布真不曉得到底有多少隊友能有空參與, 沒想到跑步愛好者就是那麼容易被吸引, 才短短的三天就收到了55位跑者報名, 我們迅速地用原始的人工智慧方式, 分了11組混合之後總實力相差不太多的隊伍. 力求每隊都有男有女, 有快有慢.  (more…)

By Renny Shih, ago
Group Runs

Saddle River County Park路線全攻略手冊

Saddle River County Park,一個傳說中常有行蹤飄渺不定,步伐快如閃電的神鹿在此黑練及訓練子弟的密地,有個可愛的別名小鹿公園。由於地緣方便加上狹長的腹地上有一條從Ridgewood跨越五鎮至南邊Rochelle Park的美麗自行車道,是我們經常相約群跑的地點。這條路線上下坡起伏不大,夏天一路上樹蔭茂密不覺炎熱,潺潺流水聲令人倍感清涼,春秋冬時也都各有風情,是個四季都適合來跑步散步或騎車的好去處。不管是從北往南或從南往北,沿路上每隔0.1M都有清楚的標記牌,但是因為偶有小岔路,常會讓初來此地的跑者有轉錯了方向的事件發生,趁此園地介紹一下以幫助大家對這個路線有個大致的了解。 (more…)

By Renny Shih, ago
Group Runs

1.13 Saddle River Park Run

It's really hard to find a good outdoor running day in such a brutal winter but we managed to find a good time to run this Saturday afternoon. It's still chilly and windy but the sun was out and snow on the ground was mostly clear in the park. (more…)

By Renny Shih, ago
Group Runs

20.18 Run

Many of us got together in the morning of 12/30 to conclude our year 2017 group running activities with this special running event. Usual timing, usual location, usual faces, but under an unusual weather condition(below 20F and light snow) and a special distance requirement - 20.18K (or just above 20K or 12M or go anything above and beyond yourself). 11 brave souls showed up and together we used our legs to record our achievement from all our training from this year and celebrate the upcoming new year. (more…)

By Renny Shih, ago
Group Runs

12.2 Palisades State Park Hills Run

IMG_6124 It's been a while since we ran together as a group on this scenic route along the Hudson valley. I think it was July when we were here last time? Up and down hills are certainly very challenging and they could be even brutal for both our body and soul. However, we can't resist the calling of such a beauty, and the proud feeling of able to conquer this place. (more…)

By Renny Shih, ago